Monday, November 16, 2009

Where is the magnet and how do I get it off?

So today I had to take one of our vehicles in for regular maintenance. No biggie usually, turned out to be one of the more frustrating tasks I have had. First I said I would have it at the Dealer's by 8am. What was I thinking? I am a wreck in the morning on good mornings LOL, and the past few days have been miserable. Alright I was up at 6am anyway so I sucked it up and got myself together. Even remembered to take my meds. Good start. Drop the van off and take the shuttle home, still doing okay. I can nap or play on the computer until they call around 12-1pm, and then head over to my friend's place to see her and have some lunch.

The phone rings at 10:30am it's done early, sweet deal. I ask them to give me about 30 minutes before sending the shuttle to come pick me back up to come get my van. Oh well we can't come until noon. Okay no big deal. At 10 minutes to 12 I go out on my porch and start waiting for the shuttle. At 20 after I call and ask if I messed up the time. Oh no there was an issue with another customer and he's just stuck in traffic, he's on h is way. (Mind you I live at most 10 minutes from the dealership.) So I stay outside. At 15 to I am about to call again and ask what the problem is when the guy finally pulls in.

Finally get over there and get the van all squared away. I am finally on my way to my friends house. I decided to go through the Wal-Mart parking lot because it would be and easier turn to make for me to the street I wanted. I am sitting at the stop sign waiting for a break in oncoming traffic when the car behind me, whose sitting on my bumper, starts blaring it's horn repeatedly. I looked back in my mirror trying to see what the problem was but couldn't tell anything besides a green car was right on my butt. So I ignore the person and their incessant honking and look for my opening to get to the far left lane. I pull out and pull into a spot behind about 6 or 7 other cars waiting for a left green arrow, and the car pulls up beside me instead of behind the only car at the red light up at the line. There are at least 5 car lengths open between this woman's car and the only car waiting at the light.

I look over and she is glaring at me. I put my arms up as if to ask what. I don't know what I had done to make this woman upset. At this point I was wondering if she was trying to tell me something. You know like did I leave something on the roof of my car, or the gas cap open....that kind of thing. Well until I saw her face that is. Then I just got freaked out. I picked up my cell and dialed 911 because this woman was still glaring at me. My light turned green as I started to dial, and she roared off down the road. I made my turn and immediately turned into a parking lot to talk to the police. I gave a description of the car and the license plate number to the state patrol. I don't know why this woman scared me so much but there was just something very wrong, it just felt off.

Those who know me sometimes say I have "interesting" adventures like this one all the time. For instance I just happened to be at Southcenter Mall last November when the shooting occurred. I was directly above the shooting and it scared me so much I couldn't go back to the mall for weeks. I couldn't go by myself for months. I still have issues there from time to time, or in any place that is really really crowded.

It's almost like I am a magnet for trouble to find me in many ways. It's become a joke of some of my friends and family. And there was a time I would have stood my ground and faced that trouble head on heedless of the danger to myself, however that was when I lived in a small town where gangs and this level of danger didn't exist. Back then someone may have kicked my butt, here I may not live.

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