Monday, November 16, 2009

The birds.......

Have you ever watched birds in a wind storm? I did just now for about 20 minutes. I was spellbound. It was amazing to see this flock of about 30 or more tiny little birds trying to make some head way south in gusty winds. They kept trying over and over. They would fly with all their might and get blown back into a pine tree. I imagine they were griping with all their might just to hang on as the boughs whipped in the wind. After a minute or two they could no longer hang on and as a group, they would fly to the neighbor's lawn. In another few minutes they would take flight and get buffeted back onto the neighbor's rooftop. Another couple of minutes to rest and again as if of a single mind they took to the air against the wind. And back they were blown to the tree. This process was repeated over and over like clockwork with no variation until 4 big ugly crows decided to join the party.

The tiny birds started chittering at the crows as they landed in the tree, upsetting the delicate balance of some of the little birds. This sent all of the birds into the air with crows almost laughing as they managed to fly off to the south scattering the little birds. I watched and they quickly regrouped on the rooftop and began to battle the wind again. Right back to the pattern they had been in before. After a few more rounds one of the little birds made it as far as the next neighbor's rooftop, and he looked back for his friends who were all rebuffed by the wind onto the other rooftop. He held his perch and watched two cycles of the bird-wind battle before giving up his own triumph to return to his friends.

The birds continued on trying to gain some ground to the south, and unfortunately the wind was still winning when I finally came in the house. I don't know why but it made me smile to watch these tiny little birds fighting with all they had against a force of nature they probably had no chance against. It was an unbalanced match but these sweet tiny birds were not going to give up seemingly no matter how long it took.

As I sat there watching I began to think that I was witnessing a fluid picture of how I feel every day. That as weird as it sounds I felt like I was watching myself battle this disease. I don't understand exactly what I was thinking or feeling, other than I felt like I was meant somehow to see this. Who knows maybe God was sending me a message in those tiny little birds. Maybe I'll even figure out what that is one of these days, LOL. All I know is it was a beautiful sight and it made me smile, and for some reason touched my heart.

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