Saturday, November 14, 2009

A poem I wrote.....

This is a poem that I wrote, and thought I would post. I hope you enjoy it. It's the first poetry I have written in a long time. I have had a lot of time to think being sick, LOL. Plus talks with a great friend!

Angel's on Earth

by Melinda Anderson

I believe God puts his Angels all around us,

they are there to see,

just open your heart.

Some are guardians sent from Heaven ,

shielded from earthly sight.

Others are more subtlety placed in our life,

a fleeting moment....

gone in the blink of an eye.

Or a bond forged stronger than any human force.

A child placed in a mother's embrace for the first time,

must be a little Angel sent from God.

One look in their eyes and you feel a love

so pure,

it's as if to glimpse His face for just a moment.

In that moment you stand still,

your soul knows that something bigger than you,

sculpted this perfect Angel for you to guide and protect.

Too often we fail to realize that God's Angels,

are with us all the time.

Rushing and scurrying about busy lives.

Too much to do and too little time.

Wrapped up in ourselves,


The friend who happens to call,

when your day is at its worst.

The little girl long ago

who shared her lunch with you

just because.

A stranger on the street,

who smiles your way, lifting the corners of yours.

Hearing someone speak about their life,

feeling it could be yours.

A singer whose song,

brings you to tears and moves your heart.

All of them placed just so,

at the right time.

The friends you count on,

every day.

The ones who've melted away,

long ago.

Even the ones we thought were bad,

taught us something.

Are we getting the message,

or did voice mail pick up?

You are an Angel sent by God,

for reasons only he knows.

You don't have to do big things

to make a difference.

Water into wine,

is great and all.

Better left to,

someone bigger than us all.

But a smile,

lights up a heart.

No you needn't heal with just

a touch of your hand.

You touch lives in all you do,

just by being you.

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